

Tilt (France)

Location: Framwellgate Waterside

Paying homage to the iconic office desk lamp, but giant size…

An oversized version of a world-famous piece of home / office design gives the humble desk lamp the opportunity to conquer new spaces and illuminate the public realm with its strong coloured light. Lampounette will transform a dark area of Durham into a new warm living room.



From Freemans Quay / Pennyferry bridge: View from outside Radisson from Milburngate. Tarmac footpath with uneven surface tactile paving and dropped kerbs

Pennyferry Bridge: Access between Framwellgate Waterside and Freeman’s Place. Access to the bridge is by either steps or ramp. There are 16 steps with highlighted nosings. Ramped access has an incline with 2 stopping points (no seats) and handrails.


About TILT

The French artistic duo behind Lampounette focuses on the exploration of light and its interplay with art, architecture and space. TILT’s work takes in all aspects of light art, whether temporary interventions or permanent installations, with the aim of changing our view and experience of familiar urban landscapes. Inspired by nature or objects of everyday life, its works create a dreamlike universe using humour and poetry.




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